Friday 25 June 2010


Some images from a skills based project featuring 12 experiments exploring the various techniques of bookbinding...

Wednesday 2 June 2010

'Etchings of Thread Drawings' (2010)

'Etchings of Thread Drawings' (2010)
Etchings on Paper.

Tuesday 11 May 2010


This is the final image of my work being used for my degree show catalogue...

'Thread Drawings' (2010)
Unraveled calico thread, ink, pins.

'Five Sisters' (2009)

'Five Sisters' is part of a material-based investigation into string and thread, created last year...

'Five Sisters' (2009)

Thread, parcel string, pins.

Sunday 2 May 2010

I'm currently two weeks away from my final degree show and this is what I've been doing...

Drawing three of these...

and unraveling them to make these...

Which I draw and bind in these...

Heres an extract from my artists' statement to explain more clearly...

'My most recent project brings together these ideas of time, repetition and process to create something which is on the verge of a performance project. This involves creating large drawings on canvas, which are then unraveled from the bottom. The drawing is the re-formed into ‘thread drawings’, made from the unraveled canvas. Once made these thread drawings are then re-drawn and bound into book form. The extensive, continuous process involved in this project is very important to the work that is produced, and this process is carefully documented through records of the times and dates that the large canvas drawings and the thread creations are worked on and photographs of the work at numerous stages. Through this the process is archived and preserved, and will feature in the final exhibition, becoming part of the work itself.'

Sunday 14 March 2010

Book Fair Pictures

Bookfair things...

Leeds University School of Design had a stall at the 13th International Contemporary Artists' book fair on the 12th and 13th of March. This is what I displayed...

The books are part of my final project for my degree show in june that I'll explain later. It's quite long winded.


This blog is essentially an online portfolio of things I have done/ am in the process of doing. I print, I draw and I make things and it will all be on here.